Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sorry no pictures

Of course, I can't find my camera again, so I've been holding off of posting because I want pictures included, but oh well. A little update on us. Halloween was fun. We went to my sister Jaime's house, and trick-or-treated with cousins. My newest nephew, Aidan, was born Oct. 18 and he was 8 lbs 10 oz, I think. He is adorable, of course, and he was a cow for Halloween. So cute! Riley was Hercules and Brooklyn was Tinkerbell. She was such a stinker that night and she didn't even trick-or-treat. She stayed in the stroller the whole time. She's getting her two-year molars, so she's not feeling too great right now. Anyway, other than that, we had a blast! So we FINALLY finished our kitchen floor, and put in a dishwasher (YEAAAAHHHHHH!!!!) and a new stove, so I finally have a normal kitchen. It's still hideous, but usable. Unless you have all the time in the world, I wouldn't recommend buying a fixer. It's a pain, and it takes forever! Well, happy holidays to all and to all a good night! Or something like that.


Adam and Cassie Pierson said...

You are so funny. Good luck with all your renovating activities. :)

Neysa said...

Glad to FINALLY hear from you again. IT'S ABOUT TIME! Sorry you can't find your camera again. That really does suck. If and when you find it, put Halloween pictures on it unless you didn't take any. Good luck with your house still. I'm sure it looks GREAT!

Jedda said...

looking forward to "seeing" you :)

Neysa said...

Hi! me again. We are going private on our blog first part of December sometime. Could you please leave your email address on our blog. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I am glad you guys got some more stuff done on your house. I can't wait to see pics and to see you this coming week. When do you get in? Loves!

Neysa said...

Hey Holly, it's me AGAIN for the 3rd time. I have invited you to my blog a week ago. I apologize, I just realized that your email when I pasted it with what you left for me, didn't have gmail spelled all the way. I just bearly fixed that for you and sent you another invite. I hope you get it.

Ashley C said...

Hey, thanks for your comment! I definitely want to keep in touch!!